Tuesday, July 22, 2014

#1 Get a Balance Bike

Have you heard of the new balance bike craze? Balance bikes are these amazing little bikes for toddlers that teach them how to ride a bike without ever needing training wheels! "No way" you say? Yes way! Totally true.  I wasn't too sure when I first heard about it either but I was willing to give it a try.

Balance bikes are just like regular bikes except they don't have pedals. Or training wheels. And they're really small so even a two year old can ride one.

The idea is that the kid is able to teach themselves to balance without trying to pedal at the same time. Then, once they have the balance part mastered, you put them on a real bike. Amazing, right? 

When you first introduce a balance bike, expect your child to mostly walk with the bike. It's going to look awkward and you might wonder why you even spent your money on this thing. But trust me, it gets better.

The more they practice, the better they will become. And before you know it, they will be riding down your driveway with their legs up in the air and you'll be like, "OMG he is balancing on a two wheeler and he's only three years old!"

The next step is to introduce a bike with pedals. If your kid has never used pedals in his life, you might have to show him how to pedal on a tricycle or something first to learn how to do it. Then, you can try the bike.

We took a trip to our local bike shop, found a bike that was his size and sat him on top. Dad held on to the back and ran along side of him at first but it only took a few minutes for him to figure it out. I was so surprised that my three year old was riding a bike ALL BY HIMSELF!!

If you don't want to go out and buy a balance bike, I've heard that you can just take the pedals off a regular bike.  I have no idea how you would do that but there's probably a way.  Check out YouTube. We bought our balance bike for about half the retail price on Zulily. I see balance bikes for sale on there all the time. You should go check it out and let me how it goes. 

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